The 2018 reading series is JUNE 2-3 at VS. Theatre!

The Playwrights Union hosts its 9th annual reading series of new work. These six original plays were drafted during a month-long writing challenge to our playwrights in February.

S A T U R D A Y,  J U N E 2

4pm INTO THE GOBPILE by Jennie Webb

Grieved by the LA riots, a young woman goes “home” to heal in a place she’s never lived: a small town called Perseverance, in the heart of Southern Illinois Coal Country.

6pm CHAMELEON IN ASPIC by Eric Rudnick

A sous chef longing to open her own restaurant seemingly finds the answer to her dreams when she meets a charismatic Frenchwoman who was once a celebrity of cuisine.

8pm LIONS by Jihan Crowther

At a possibly haunted party, the world’s worst hostess attempts to entertain her guests—one of whom is hellbent on commandeering her home before the night is over.


S U N D A Y,  J U N E 3

2pm IDIO by Abbey Fenbert

In a mysterious station, three competitors—Hawk, Dip and Pigeon—battle for an unknown prize. A dark comedy about truth, understanding, and desire under a violent social order.

4pm O: RHAPSODY IN DIVORCE by Jami Brandli

A childless neurobiologist is blindsided when her husband demands a divorce, but refuses to leave the house—and finds herself on an epic, couch-hopping odyssey.

M A K E  A  R E S E R V A T I O N

VS. Theatre Company 5453 West Pico Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90019 | map

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